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lateral; that is, from side to side. It moved a little easier than what it should perhaps. Left horn of the thyroid cartilage broken and fractured.

Q. Is that membrane?

A. Well, it is known as bone-it is the oss-hyoidus, "oss" being the latin for bone.

Q/ Would it take much force to fracture this ?

A. Yes; and behind the thyroid on both sides right and left there is ecchymosus; thats is blood, congealed blood.

Q. More marked on which side ?

A. More marked on the left side than the right. The tongue on the left side, about an inch from the tip, marks of scars.

Q. Were they fresh scars or wounds ?

A. Apparently fresh. From the nature of them, in so far as they were bleeding, and from the nature of these wounds I infer that they were acrimonial. Brain slightly anaemic, otherwise normal apparently. Lungs nodular in character and dark; not diminished to any marked extent in size. A pus cavity in the apex of the right lung contained approximately a drachm of pus-a teaspoonfull. Left lung no pus cavities, and in better physical condition than the right, as evidenced by it not being so dark and the absence of pus, and so on.

Q. The heart?

A. Yes, I think that's aboutall I can report about the lungs at the present time any way. The apex of either lung were more rounded and scarcely as sharp as in health. The heart; right heart slightly enlarged and engorged with blood-left flabby. The abdomen: stomach contained, well from four to six ounces of fluid. Bowels somewhat empty. Kidneys normal. Liver normal. I mean by normal that they are as good as could be expected considering the physical condition or consumptive condition of his lungs; I don't mean absolutely normal. Appendix normal.

Q. Pancreas normal ?

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 95 File 1903/18 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Attorney General document.