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Reg. V. Song Mun.

Information and Complaint for an Indictable offence.

Canada, &c.

City of New Westminster.

The information and complaint of Thomas Lee Sing, of New Westr. taken this 27th day of February, in the year, &c., 1897, before the undersigned, T. C. Atkinson, Police Magistrate, and one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, within and for the said City of New Westr., who saith that Song Mun on the 17th day of February, 1897, at the City of New Westminster in and upon one Lee Sing, a woman, unlawfully and violently did attempt to make an assault and her the said Lee Sing violently and without her consent unlawfully did attempt to ravish and carnally know.

(sgd) Thomas Lee Sing. Sworn before me, &c., (sgd) T. C. Atkinson, P. M.

Dispositions of Witnesses.

Taken at New Westminster on March 1st, 1897 before T. C. Atkinson, P. M. Martha Lee Sing, upon her oath saith as follows:

I am a married woman; Lee Loy Sing is my husband; I am 22 years of age; I live on Sixth Street; I keep a store; I sleep in a house near the Chinese Mission; it belongs to myself and my husband; he has a store on Agnes street; he sells tea during the day; I remember the 15th of February last; it was a Monday; I was at home washing; Song Mun came to my house; my husband Lee Sing was not there; he came in by the front door; I was in the kitchen; he had European clothes on;

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 68 File 1897/6 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.