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he stayed all night until 10 o'clock next morning.

To Mr. Davie One man the next farmer was in the house, his name is Ah Yow, he is not in Court. Ah Keung came to my house on Tuesday at 5 0'clock, he came to see me once in a while, he had no particular business, he does not smoke opium. Ah Keung did not bring any umbrella with him, Ah Keung slept upstairs and I slept downstairs. Ah Yow went home to his own place. He stayed a couple of hours, he came about 5 o'clock and went home about 7. I knocked off work at 5 o'clock and had supper at 6 o'clock it was dark at 5 o'clock. I always knock off work at 5 if it is wet. Other days I work till 7. I knocked off because it was raining, it had been raining about half an hour before I knocked off. Ah Keung came after I knocked off work . Ah Keung [illegible], on the way to Sooke on the Sooke Road, he stops at the [illegible] Kiln, he had come from the [illegible] Kiln that evening when he came to see me, he does not live in town, he came direct from [illegible] Kiln to my house, it is about 8 miles away.

T.W. Jackson Interpreter

A.F. Pemberton P.M.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 26 File 1884/16 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.