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Indictable Offences

(M) See s. 29.

Depositions of Witnesses for the Defense

The examination of Che Yow of Victoria, in the province aforesaid taken on this 13 day of October in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty four before the undersigned one of Her Majesty's Justice of the Peace in the presence and hearing of Ah Keung, Ah Kow & Gay Wah Shue who is this day charged before me

This deponent Che Yow upon his oath deposeth, and saith as follows: I live at Lion Brewery, I am a farmer I know Ah Keung he is the middle of the 3 prisoners, On last Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock I saw Ah Keung, it was evening and Ah Keung was having supper in my house

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 26 File 1884/16 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.