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hands, I recognize some of them I recognized Ah Keung. I recognized the two men in the dock standing to the right. I saw them fetch on to Fong Wy and strike him, he lay just inside the house. I went on my way down the street Fong Wy was yelling Murder. I was afraid to go to his assistance as they might cut and kill me.

To Mr. Drake. I went about 8 o'clock from Government Street , there were a good many people there, between 20 and 30 I think they were near on both sides on the sidewalk I kept outside from the crowd, about 12 or 15 feet from the door. Fong Wy was lying in the house I saw Fong Wy struck and he fell right in the doorway. I saw the [illegible] strike him, Ah Shue Ah Kow Ak Keung. I hear them call themselves, I don't know which struck him first, I saw a knife and iron bar Ah Keung had a knife I think about 6 inches long , the other two had iron bars, they looked like iron bars bright and dark things, I am pretty sure they were iron not wood. I speak from my own opinion , All the people were near the door. I saw by the light from the window, I saw the prisoners on the street before the occurrence I don't know how many times before, I did not see very much only fighting there, the others were standing round doing nothing. I did not hear any

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 26 File 1884/16 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Attorney General documents.