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An order was made by Hnr[?] Justice Fray restraining the Defendant from selling the various goods seized by him or parting with the proceeds of sale.

The Defendant proceeded with the sale on the 23rd and was served with notice that such order had been made and was subsequently served with a copy of the order (see copies assessed[?] )

The same evening he received a letter informing him that on the following day application would be made to commit him for contempt.

The affidavit filed in support of the application for attachment allege that service of the notice that an order had been made was effected about 1:30 pm. That at the time of serving the notice the Defendant was selling sundry goods restrained belonging to the Plaintiff and others.

That the notice was read aloud to the Defendant he said "You have come too late where's the order" and proceeded with the sale of certain goods (enumerated) after service order served.

That about 10 minutes to 2 o'clock the Defendant was served with the order.

That after such service the Defendant received money in payment of certain of the said goods which had been previously sold and also of goods sold subsequent to this notice and delivered several parcels of the goods to the purchasers.

After the application for attachment [a toril of Inpruction] [?] was served on Defendant dated 23rd day of Sept for reciting the order and restraining him from selling or in any way dealing with the goods

BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 17 File 1878/26 Attorney General documents.