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A. Just one scow taken out; over one hundred and fifty cord; when it reaches Bamfield on account of storm only take out seventy five cords.

Q.555 Where is all the shingle bolts that they have been getting out all this time?

A. At Sechart

Mr. Leighton.

Q.556 And none sold at all except that seventy-five?

A. As far has he knows.

Juryman. Q.557 In a case like that, who loses.

Mr. Leighton. A. That is a matter of law. I don't know that the witness should be asked to answer that.

No further questions.


A. 557 What is your name?

A. D. M. Colqhoun.

Dr. Thomas's evidence is alright. I am not questioning it at all. I have just got a book here from one of the leading local men in Vancouver, who is experienced in India and Mesopotamia. (excerpts from book read) It says further 'the period required for the disease to develop appears to be of long duration, sixty to one hundred and sixty days.' A man has got to be on the diet for one hundred and sixty days before he gets beri beri. That is according to this book. Now, Mr. Wheadon, I must apologize for flying off the handle about perjury about the fish, but on the wages for Mr. Wheadon it was insinuated he did not get his money. I showed you a statement from the Manager of the West Shore Lumber Company showing how Mr. Wheadon stood; that Mr. Wheadon was overdrawn.

Coroner. Yes you showed it to me just now. I gave it back.

Mr. Colqhoun. He made one mistake when he said I went to the Camp with the men, that I went with Mr. Matheson. He is wrong. I went up a good many times, but I did not go up the first time. That is the only thing. Now in regard to Sam Nomeland, he did not leave before Christmas, he left there November 6th.
