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Q. 427 Whilst you were at the camp did any shipment arrive following the one on the 15th of December?

A. Not as I was aware. January 17th was the next.

Q. 428 Then you brought two shipments in one?

A. I don't know that even. I know there was quite a lot of stuff came in. There is a possibility if there was a shipment to leave Vancouver on the 20th of December, the Maquinna leaves Vancouver on the 20th, it might be possible, the bill of lading being the 20th, it wouldn't leave until the first of the month, possibly later.

Q. 429 That stuff went by the Maquinna to Sechart?

A. Yes.

Q. 430 If it left there on the first, it would get to Sechart when?

A. At most, if should get there three or four days later. It should have been there on the 13th, leaving on the 11th.

Q. 431 The Maquinna leaves three times a month, doesn't it?

A. It leaves Victoria on the first, eleventh and thirty-first, while it is one day behind that from Vancouver.

No further questions.


Q. 432 You got a shipment of goods, according to the last witness, about the 15th of December?

A. Yes.

Q. 433 Did you divide that between the two Camps?

A. The order was sent by Camp No. 2 they send themselves. When arrive it is for them. Do not send to me.

Q. 434 Did you give the man in Camp No. 2 the stuff that arrived for them?

A. Give all that they order.

Q. 435 Do you know what they order?

A. No.

Q. 436 Who is Eng Yin?

A. Working in my camp?

Q. 437 Which was the King Faun Old Camp?

A. King Faun Old Camp is Camp No. 2.

Q. 436 There is $41.11 on December 9th order for Camp No. 2 and
