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Q. 226 Was that before Christmas or since Christmas?

A. Only had rice and salt since Christmas.

Q. 227 Does he know why they only had rice and salt?

A. He said that this Company, Hop Sang, did not get the money. that is the only reason he knows.

Q. 228 Any green stuff at the camp at all?

A. No, no green stuff.

Q. 229 Was he working at Camp No. 1 where these boys have been working?

A. He used to work in Camp No. 2. He went to Camp No. 1 after.

Q. 230 Was he working at this camp where these boys were sick?

A. Yes.

Q. 231 Did they have lots to eat at the camp?

A. All he had was some sacks of salt and rice.

Q. 232 For how long?

A. End of December.

Q. 233 How long would that last?

A. He say the same thing.

Q. 234 Was he sick at all?

A. No.


Q. 235 What camp do you work in?

A. Camp No. 2.

Q. 236 Do you know these men that died?

A. Yes.

Q. 237 There was not enough groceries since when? Does he give the same date?

A. His is the same story as the others.

Q. 238 Get any money from Mr. Colquohn?

A. No.

Q. 259 How long have you been working there?

A. August

COURT ADJOURNED UNTIL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1934, at 7.30 p.m. .........

BC Archives GR-0431/Box 13 File 6/BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL./Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.