Transcription Page

Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I

Diaries of Frank Cyril Swannell Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-0392 - Box 1, Volume 4-5

*Please note that archival source materials are original historical documents that have not been censored, reviewed or otherwise altered by the Royal BC Museum. Some materials may contain content that is racist, sexist or otherwise offensive. The Royal BC Museum is only the custodian of archival materials; the content does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Royal BC Museum.

Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]

Canterbury + Cooden Camp 42 May (22 to 24) 22 MONDAY (143-223) 5th Month 1916

Morning to the Museum - afternoon the Cathedral + St. Martin's Church - supposed to be the oldest in England - a church for 1700 yrs. Walk out in country in evening _ later on with Mrs. Stewart to the Dane John Park. LIverpool Regiment marches past. Boyish lads of wretched physique.

23 TUESDAY (144-222) Take Winnie to Margate - 14 miles by bus - Fine bathing beach - Walk along the cliffs pass numerous sentries. Finish day with another stroll. Go to 3rd Lane. RFM Camp + have a chat with RP Bishop- Makes a fine soldier

24 WEDNESDAY (145-2210 (5h 16 m AM (Greenwich) Empire Day. Arrive Cooden 1 pm - Advance Guard of 1333 BTy. under a Sgt. 30 men here - Get them busy scrubbing out 'F' Hut. Go for walk to Bexhill with Lt. Welch. Bunch of boy-officers here now - Poor lads.

BC Archives, MS-0392 FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS Box 1, Volume 5, Diary and enclosures

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