Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
Letters from from Erroll Pilkington Gillespie to his family. Learn more.
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The Royal Club for Officers Beyond the Seas. at the Royal Automobile Club. Pall Mall. London. S.W.1.
c/o "Overfront, London" Regent 5000
He had to wait about 9 weeks for a transport after he sent that Cable to Uncle Tom to say that he was sailing for this side, so that was the explanation why he didn't fetch up sooner! He hasn't been able to rake up any very satisfactory excuse to explain why he didn't write to us more frequently, except that I think he felt he was on the other side of the world, & that any letters he wrote would have taken years to reach us!
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 / OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867 – 1920. Victoria; lawyer. / Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917 – 1919.