Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
Letters from from Erroll Pilkington Gillespie to his family. Learn more.
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has had things made there before now. I bought a very good Trench Coat which rooked me 5 Guineas, & will have to get a fleece lining for it later on which will mean another 2 Guineas. Clothes are a steep price these days. By the way, forgot to say I missed the last night raid on London only by a few hours. I was in town 6.30pm & the raid came off about 11pm, wish I had been there to see the excitement.
I was awfully glad to get your letter and 2 from Mother when I got back from leave, please thank Ma, the snap Mother sent of me and "him" marching along is very amusing, how I managed that Cheshire Cat smile goodness knows I had no idea it was being taken. I had a letter from Eric McCallum yesterday telling me a draft had left Willows a week ago from his letter dated 27th April (this draft by the way only got in last night). I haven't seen any of them yet as we are not allowed inside the segregation area
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 / OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867 – 1920. Victoria; lawyer. / Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917 – 1919.