Transcription Page

Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters

Letters from from Erroll Pilkington Gillespie to his family. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-2685

Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]


& I haven't received any pay over on this side yet, so after all I could hardly expect my pocket book to be looking particularly healthy! Everything was OK with the C.B.of C. I went along & saw them. I heard from Heb & Florence the other day, they were in answer to the letters I wrote on my arrival & I gave them my address c/o of bank. They both wrote in great form & were glad to hear I fetched up safely. Heb had just returned from his leave in France, he still hopes I think to get in his visits out to B.C. Florence mentioned that she would be at her Canteen work till middle of June. She hasn't made any plans after that yet. She sent me £10- as a present to spend

BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 / OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867 – 1920. Victoria; lawyer. / Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917 – 1919.

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