Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
Letters from from Erroll Pilkington Gillespie to his family. Learn more.
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I got V.G., Gas Exam V.G & Revolver I managed to get well over the 1st class percentage though if one had done any previous shooting and shot half decently, one ought to get a "distinguished" as one is classed in 3 grades "distinguished" 1st class and 2nd class. I was 4th, in a class of 23. It was an awfully decent course, and very good practice for one, the last few tests were in trenches and dug outs; dummy targets would bob up, where you were least expecting them (supposed of course to be the Huns) and one had to be pretty quick at plugging them, then we had to go through the same thing with our gas masks on, not so easy shooting wearing them either. I haven't bought my revolver yet, I was using one that was issued from the stores. I hope to buy on when I am next up in London. I don't know what course I will be on next week, probably bombing I should think and after that I expect the M.G. Wish I had finished them all and I was on my way across to France, one feels at
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 / OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867 – 1920. Victoria; lawyer. / Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917 – 1919.