Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
Letters from from Erroll Pilkington Gillespie to his family. Learn more.
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we had quite a heavy shower which has cooled things off considerably. I could have taken last nights boat & spent Sunday with you. I would have had to have caught the midnight boat again, so it would hardly have been worth it; much as I would have liked to have spent the day with you both; but once back again I would resent having to leave. No sign of "Frisco" (or Frisky) Bill I suppose, I believe you did not expect him till Monday, I wish very much I was going to be on hand with the Ford to help you amuse him, get Dugald to take you out in it, he would do it any harm! I don't believe I'll be leaving here now till Tuesday
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867-1920. Victoria; lawyer. Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917-1919.