Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
Letters from from Erroll Pilkington Gillespie to his family. Learn more.
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Would have got hold of me again. My Platoon No 3 is away just now in charge of another officer. I don't think I will get it, as No 10 Platoon has been handed over to me already. One of the Platoons in the company is isolated with Scarlet Fever! Today being Saturday is half day - nothing doing this afternoon + there is general leave till 8 a.m. Monday. I am orderly officer tomorrow worse luck. I might just as well had till Sunday night at home as there is nothing doing - rather feeding! The weather today has been simply vile, pouring rain + as cold as Mid-Winter, believe me Vancouver is a depressing hole. Today was Dollar day here so this afternoon I took advantage of it + bought you a couple of books. "The Raiders" + a copy of Hood's Poems, I had an idea you tried to get Hood in Victoria several times + couldn't. but I may be wrong, at any rate if you have it at Highwood you can always give it away or keep it for Grouse Nest. Both books were Bargains, I have already mailed them to you. I am likely to be a whole week in Vancr before moving off, in fact certain. So you might drop me a line here if any news.
Love to you + Father Your affect son. Erroll
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3 OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867-1920. Victoria; lawyer. Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward 1917-1919.