Transcription Page

Henry Masterman Mist Diaries and Prisoners Pie Magazine

Diaries of Heny Masterman Mist and a copy of Prisoners’ Pie, the Ruhleben Camp magazine. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-2570

Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]

1916. June 6. About a dozen prisoners left camp for England. Mostly invalides.

June 26. Am. Ambassador Gerard inspected the camp. Party of 8 of us had a salad and wine supper in studio to celebrate winding up of the Arts and Crafts Exhib.

June 27 Am. Ambassadore in again today.

June 28 About 40 men from Str. Brussels taken while en route from Holland to Eng. brought into camp this p.m.

July 5 Some disgusting stuff called "margarine" given out in place of jam at kitchen.

BC Archives, MS-2570 / Box 1 File 2 / MIST, Henry Masterman / Diary, Ruhleben, 06 Feb 1915 - 06 Mar 1918.

Current Page Discussion [edit] [history]

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