Transcription Page

Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks

Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease of Victoria to his brother Lindley Crease and his mother Sarah Crease; instructions for the offensive of July 26, 1917; a regimental notebook, diaries and scrapbook. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives MS-0055BC Archives MS-2879



Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]

Thurs 22 Feb. Roads like those on Somme - the very foundation rotten with thaw, Col Twiss gave most int. lecture on German army.

Frid 23 Feb. Last days work Drill - Bayonet competn Jennings Pl. won. Had tea at Mrs Dickinsons with Allworth & Leighton. Everyone rather depressed & many trying to drown their feelings.

Satd 24 Feb. Lovely day - Alworth & Leighton & I walked to Pont au Briques & lunched togr at Hotel Du Paris. After [illegible] then walked to Le Portal. Slept at Hotel du Paris.

Sund 25 Train left at 10 am and reached Flevent about 9 pm. Managed to get something to eat & find a bed in Rest Ho

Mon 26 Left by light railway for Aubigny & walked from there to Estree Cauchie where found Pooley & others

Tues 27 Walked with Melsom to report to Major Latta at St Eloi. Beautiful day - everyone very busy

BC Archives, MS-2879 Box 82 File 2 / CREASE FAMILY / Diary of Arthur Douglas Crease, 1915 - 1917.

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