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Wellington Coal Mine


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He reported yes, I knew it was all right before I went in. I saw him again a little before 2 P.M. & had a conversation with him & told him again that I hoped he would be careful not to allow any one to go through No. No. 3 canvass door, he re- -plied that there was no fear, but, that there was no gass there to I answered that s all right but he know that there has been gass. I also told him at that time that the hose way playing on the fire but until we were sure that the fire was entirely out we could keep the curtain there & he replied it was the best thing we could do. When I left the Mine between 2 O.C. & 3 O.C. On Wednesday I considered that every thing was safe or I would not have left it. The shift came down at 2. O.C. & I cautioned them all neither to go through No. 3 Curtain nor into the workings of the left of Homes heading. I did not visit the mine again until I heard of the explosion. I take the general Management of the Mine. My son Sawes Dunsmuir is a Certificated Manager employed under me John Dixon was Overman below

BC Archives GR-0431 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 2 File 6 Inquisitions/inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.