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Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I


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Walk out to St. Martins Hill in morning & towards Wickham in afternoon - wonderfully pretty country - large area thick bush with narrow lanes. Leave 7:37 arriving Lydd 9:55 talk at Ashford with Colonel of the Hootenay Rifles & in train a Labeauce man. 15 pdr. shoot - HC - fire 12 pds Maj. Eady BC - the [?] new ranker Sub Michel shoots & I take the final 12 rounds - Quinton & Jenkinson take BC in turn. Busy day and don't get any lunch nor tea. Out with observing party on three 6" shoots - S.A.H.A 123nd does very wilod work - get in 2pm - puff series in afternoon - party at Eady's & silly games . our 2 new 6" 26 cent. howitzers arrive - Canadian mail in today