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Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I


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Sunday - October 10th/15.

Canadian Corps - Operations - None undertaken by our Troops except yesterday afternoon when in retaliation for the day previous our heavy artillery bombarded the enemy's lines in front of Wytschete. Used 9.2 .6 .4.7 with HE battle down positions of their front line Enemy - Very quiet day except for a weak attempt to occupy crater made by their mine opp. H1 (N24a) Artillery - Enemy only filed 30 shells all day - one in ten of their shells fail to explode MG Rifle Fire - usual fusillode at "stand to"

Bombing - For the newly made crater K1 (N24a) an enemy working party who attempted to come over, were bombed out MG Emplacement u8a85.- being reconstructed of concrete provided with a concrete covered way To collar of Western