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Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I


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29th, Mn's last qu. 10.10 p.m] NOV. ----DEC., 1915. [3rd, Sun rises

SUNDAY 28 [332-33] 1st in Advent Scottish Removal Term

Defensible Barracks (Built 1843). Pembroke Dock.

MONDAY 29 [333-32]

Go on DuTy Boat to SouTh Hook Fort - o/c Maj . Gordon. QuarTered wiTh 4 LieuT. Walker (from The Argentine) in MasTer Gunner's Ho 3- 6" Guns + 2 12-pdrs. here + Boom closing Harbour at at sTack Rock opposiTe

TUESDAY 30 [334-31] St. Andrew

Loafing around - Go To Milford wiTh Walker for a walk HubbersTon ForT half-way (1 1/2 miles). CapT DunsTan (T) -quieT. capable - looking 2d in comm. - was civil engineer On duTy 1/c guns 4 am. To 8 pm. Tide readings every hour from sTack Rock Fort. S-Hook X-BTy

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 1 (31 Days) [335-30] Queen Alexandra born, 1844

12 Pdr. Drill under Capt DunsTan


BC Archives, MS-0392, Box 1, Volume 4, FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS, Diary and enclosures, 1915.