Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
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Oct 5th 1918
My dearest Mother
Just a short scrawl that you know that EPG is going strong like Johnie Walker! Hope this finds you & Pa in good trim, perhaps you may be both down staying with Uncle Bill by now. I am quite sure the change will be very good for you both, if you get this while you are there give Uncle Bill my best regards. Well Mother I did not waste much time at our reinforcing depot, I am glad to say. Got down to business pretty quickly once I got over to this country. I left the R.D. in pretty short notice along with some other officers, we were taken up to our advanced depot at the rail head by motor lorry & from there we were posted to different battalions. I have been posted to the 1st Battalion C.M.G.C. "F" Battery & have been with them now for about a week. I am very glad I made the 1st Bn as they are a fine lot, & have been doing awfully well. I am told they hold the 1st place out of the H.C.M.G.C. Battn's. our Bn forms part of the 1st Can. Division
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3
OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867 - 1920. Victoria, lawyer. Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward