Erroll Pilkington Gillespie Letters
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Eric says he means to come on the next draft and he thought he would be leaving in a fortnight from 27th, perhaps he may be on his way over now, he was regretting that he had not returned with the draft I was on, wish he had as it would have made the trip more pleasant, he is such a good sort. He says Willows is very dead now and I don't think cares for any of them out there much. I hope I may run across him soon. You are probably wondering what I have decided to do about a transfer to the Imperials. Well as a matter of fact, I haven't got much further with a decision. I had more or less made up my mind to transfer but they rather blocked it at Can H.Q.s and told me to report to the C.M.G. Depot, as of course I had applied to be taken strength of this unit, at present am attached for instruction. I am told of course that it is a first rate Corps to belong to, and the men are all picked men, a pretty useful lot. The pay with the Canadians is of course better I get 3.60 per day
BC Archives, MS-2685 Box 17 File 3
OLIVER, William Edgar, 1867-1920. Victoria; lawyer. Erroll P. Gillespie, correspondence outward, 1917-1919.