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Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks


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Looking back the scheme of pairing seems to have been quite good — Esprit de Corps good — officers mess harmonious. N.C.O's good on the whole but some not ?????? enough for the time — The men as fine as body as could be found.

Our Company Sergt Major at this time Turner was excellent. He afterwards joined the 29th Bn + worked his way up from private to C.S.M + was always 1st class, cheerful intelligent, popular with officers + men + just + sober. He was killed by my side in front line at Neuville Vitasse, SE of ARRAS during a heavy bombardment of "fish tail" or pineapple "trench mortar" shell bombs.

??????? our R.S.M. afterwards went to France as RSM to 75th Bn + did well.

Our senior officers were failures when it came to service conditions.