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Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks


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we nearly had a collision on entering the harbour but both ships exercised great care in navigation great skill in averting the [disaster?]. We are now farther from the firing line than we have been since landing in England but more liable to be forwarded there at a moments notice. Joe and I are still together but Willie [Langley?] has been sent on. We are still standing by for orders but today one of us Capt. Andrews got his marching orders. - I am thoroughly enjoying my introduction to French soil & picking up the language fast.

We are in what is known as a rest camp by the way I suppose of relieving the congestion while they are finding out where we are wanted - Though living is somewhat expensive & the drain on our pockets is regular & continuous I think I can get along all right.

With much love ever your brother Arthur