Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks
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something of a compliment that we in our half trained condition should be selected in preference to those officers who have been training here for months. We are working hard at musketry from 3 am until dark with a few hours off at midday & we are getting on with it well.
The spell of fine weather we have had recently had made this a pleasant camp on the whole & it has been a great relief to have Carew Martin as O.C. the detachment of 600.
It seems extremely probable that we shall have many of our own men with us wherever we go.
I have asked Janson Cobb to place £10 to my credit at the Bank & to charge it to you but I doubt if I shall have time even to make purchases - Again I say that the sleeping valise which Hugo gave me has been splendid & it is going to the front with me.
There are a thousand things I want to say but it is impossible in this whirlpool of movement to concentrate sufficiently & express oneself coherently. There are one or two things which I can tell
BC Archives, MS-0055 Box 15 File 1 / CREASE FAMILY / Letters from Arthur Douglas Crease to his brother, Lindley Crease, 1916.