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1911/71 Rex vs. Mah Hung – procuring


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CANADA . Province of British Columbia County of Atlin City of Prince Rupert. The Deposition of Katie Stephens, taken before the undersigned, a Police Magistrate for the said City of Prince Rupert this 24th day of June, in the year of our lord One thousand nine hundred and eleven, at Prince Rupert in the presence and hearing of Mah Hung who stands charged that he did on the 16th of June instant at Prince Rupert, procure Katie Stephens, a woman to become a common prostitute. The said Deponent saith on her oath as follows:-: I belong to Vancouver. I am eighteen years of age. I am a married woman. I became acquainted with accused at Vancouver. I knew him at Dr. Lew's house. Accused got me to come to Prince Rupert on a promise of getting work here. I came up with him in the present month of June. Dr, Lew and Dally McDonald came up same time. While in Prince Rupert I was given cocaine by Dr. Lew . Ma Hung knew of this being given to me. I was taken to the Klondyke Hotel here and Ma Hung slept with me there for the first time. I was then taken to a cabin on 8th Street by Ma Hung and whilst there Ma Hung slept with me and brought other chinamen who had connection with me. 1st night he brought two and the third night more than two . I had cocaine while there given to me by Dr. Lew and Ma Hung knew of it. Chinamen had connection with me paid me and Ma Hung knew of it. I was down at a house of ill fame and Ma Hung was there also. I was to pay rent of the cabin. Ma Hung wanted me to pay all bills and I refused. He then went away. I did not pay him any money. (sgd) Katie Stevens. (sgd( Alfred Carss. BC Archives GR-0419 Box 150 File 1911/71 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Attorney General documents.