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1904-10 Rex vs. Wong On and Wong Gow – murder (at the Chinese theatre)


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ME. POWELL: The Prosecution decidedly object to this application of my learned friend. In the

first place as far as Mr, Moresby is concerned he happened to be telephoned for before Mr. Cain or myself got here, and he seemed to have made the statement as far as he -was concerned he did not object. MR TAYLOR Not to me personally------ MR. POWELLL: I am conducting the case, and we are In possession of facts, Mr. Cain and myself, which possibly Mr. Moresby is not, as we have

 not seen him since yesterday afternoon.     Now, your
Honor, we are of the opinion that the case should

conclude today, and as far as his statement that there was a general objection that the case should not go on Monday, we have nothing to do with that. MR. TAYLOR: They stated they could not come here on Monday .

MR. POWELL: They have their Chinese New Year I will admit------ after considerable argument in the abort matter the court held that the Crown might possibly suffer by the delay and adjournment, and that the hearing of the evidence should be proceeded with.

HAW FAT CHUNG, was duly sworn (King's oath) and testifies as follows,- COURT: Your name is Haw Fat Chung ? A Yes. MR. TAYLOR: Are your witnesses all out of the room Mr. Powell MR. POWELL: I only have one.

BC Archives GR-0419 BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. Box 100 File 1904/10 Attorney General documents.