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1903/18 Rex vs. D.L. Ray and Wing Wo – murder (Trail)


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A. Pancreas normal. In other words, all the abdominal viscera normal.

Q. Did you examine the person of the deceased, Doctor ? His clothing and personal affairs ?

A. Yes.

Q. Any faecal matter ?

A. His underclothing contained faecal matter, otherwise the underclothing clean. I told you about the four scars across here (indicating) and the character, did I not ?

Q. You did not.

A. There were four transverse scars-transverse parallel scars across about the lower portion of the thyroid, from a quarter to three-eighths of an inch-perhaps a little more than three-eighths-varying from an eighth to three quarters of an inch in length; right in the median line. One was to the right.

Q. Which one was to the right ?

A. The lower one was to the right; the other across the median line of the neck.

Q. Describe the median line ?

A. A line drawn from centre of chin down to the straight line of the neck.

Q. What color or shade was the scrotum, Doctor ?

A. Sort of bluish black.

Q. Is that a symptom? What is it a symptom of, particularly in medicine ?

A. Well, you may get it from strangulation, and you may get it otherwise.

Q. Anybody else present when you made this post mortem, Doctor

A. Yes, Mr. Frank Isley; and I might say Clark; it's all here in his handwriting. I think that covers it pretty near all. I may have left some of it out.

Q. Did you know the deceased before he died ?

A. Well, no; they all look alike to me.

BC Archives GR-0419 Box 95 File 1903/18 BRITISH COLUMBIA, ATTORNEY GENERAL. Attorney General documents.