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1895/39 Regina vs. Lee Heng Yum – gaming, Victoria (good description of Fan Tan Alley)


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Province of British Columbia,

City of Victoria.

The Depositions of Ah Wah, of the City of Victoria afore said, taken before the undersigned Police Magistrate in and for the said City this 19th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, as the City of Victoria aforesaid, in the presence and hearing of Lee Heng Yum, who stands charged, etc., etc. (see original Information).

The Deponent, AH WAH, on his oath says as follows:

I live at Yick Lum, Fisguard Street; I am a peddler out of work; I know the accused; have known him for several years; I know No. 43 Fidguard Street; it is a tan house; I have been there several times; I was there last on a Wednesday about the 28th or 29th of November last; I have myself been served with a summon for gambling; I was served on Saturday the 1st inst.; the Wednesday I was in the tan house was the Wednesday before I was served; I was in the house a little after one o'clock p.m.; I saw the accused there; he brought in the money bags and distributed them around the three tables, then sat down and handled the tan; I have worked in gambling houses and I know what tan is; the boss generally brings in the money sacks. (Mr. Crease objects). There were about 10 people at accused's