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1893/26 Regina vs. Ghee Gow, Lee Quong, and Wong Ping – burglary and entering, River’s Inlet


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William Manuel Bray Sworn upon his oath saith as follows: I am a miner- at present I live at Protection Island and have lived there since April 1891. I was contractor with James Richards for sinking Protection Island shaft for the New Vancouver Coal and land Company Limited. I employed all nationalities of labour amongst them were Chinese -the labour was paid for through the said company. I gave in the case of chinese ,tickets - a small slip of paper with day and date and number of the Chinaman( we had six working at the time) such as no 1, no2 no3 no4 and so on. We did not name the chinese they went by numbers In the month of May 1891 I gave this man( pointing to Loo Jut the prisoner ) either one or two tickets besides his own for labor done in the month of April 1891. I have no recollection of the other chinese having in that month requested me to give Loo Jut their tickets . There was another Chinaman who had his ticket I Believe no5 who worked with Loo Jut. I believe that I gave the tickets of no1 and no6 chinamen to Loo Jut. That no1 (pointing to Joe Ham)no1 had worked 29 days for us in the month of April 181 at $1.00 per day. No6 had worked about 20 or 21 days in the same month at the same rate of wagesNo5 (afterwards killed on the top of the shaft) worked I believe 26 days in the month at the same