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Arthur Douglas Crease Letters, Diaries and Scrapbooks


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on arr'l in London did some more shopping.  Thunder storm.  Leicester Square.  Caught 5.20 from Charing X heaps of officers + men far end of platform.  Reported at Otterpool as ordered + told to stand by.  Found Mjaor Pym, Pem, Andrews, Biard, Duke 2 Mackenzies, Day (just marr'd) Morkill, Greaves, Eliot + Bridgman.  Camp deserted save for 2 NCOs + a dozen men.  [illegible][illegible] promiscuous.  Slept in my old tent.
on arr'l in London did some more shopping.  Thunder storm.  Leicester Square.  Caught 5.20 from Charing X heaps of officers & men far end of platform.  Reported at Otterpool as ordered & told to stand by.  Found Major Pym, Pem, Andrews, Baird, Duke 2 Mackenzies, Day (just marr'd) Morkill, Greaves, Eliot & Bridgman.  Camp deserted save for 2 NCOs & a dozen men.  [illegible] [illegible] promiscuous.  Slept in my old tent.
Sat'dy July 8  Hot.  No orders for us.  Baird left.  Wrote lrs home.  Sent off my luggage to Hethersett for Carleton.  Mrs. W. Langley + Mrs Eliot visited camp.  Offrs + men leaving for camps.  300 of our men left Lydd for Folkestone.
Sat'dy July 8  Hot.  No orders for us.  Baird left.  Wrote lrs home.  Sent off my luggage to Hethersett for Carleton.  Mrs. W. Langley & Mrs Eliot visited camp.  Offrs & men leaving for camps.  300 of our men left Lydd for Folkestone.
BC Archives, MS-2879 Box 82 File 2 / CREASE FAMILY / Diary of Arthur Douglas Crease, 1915 - 1917.

Revision as of Nov 25, 2015, 10:19:13 AM

on arr'l in London did some more shopping. Thunder storm. Leicester Square. Caught 5.20 from Charing X heaps of officers & men far end of platform. Reported at Otterpool as ordered & told to stand by. Found Major Pym, Pem, Andrews, Baird, Duke 2 Mackenzies, Day (just marr'd) Morkill, Greaves, Eliot & Bridgman. Camp deserted save for 2 NCOs & a dozen men. [illegible] [illegible] promiscuous. Slept in my old tent.

Sat'dy July 8 Hot. No orders for us. Baird left. Wrote lrs home. Sent off my luggage to Hethersett for Carleton. Mrs. W. Langley & Mrs Eliot visited camp. Offrs & men leaving for camps. 300 of our men left Lydd for Folkestone.

BC Archives, MS-2879 Box 82 File 2 / CREASE FAMILY / Diary of Arthur Douglas Crease, 1915 - 1917.