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& Vimy Ridge, a most awful sight. Buried bones, sculls, bombs, etc both of English and & ? & Germans.

July 1st Sun. Walked to ANZIN & ST AUGIN to visit men. Saw Col Houne. Heavy bombardment on. 2nd Lieut Austin came over. Lively mess meeting between Towye - Farr - Austin & myself. Sore throat.

July 2nd Still bombarding. Very busy.

July 3rd Inspected Company No 1-2-4 platoons checking clothing, equipment, etc.

July 4 Very heavy fighting, etc.

July 5th Drew 2775 francs from J.C. at ECOIURES - paid nos 1-2-4 platoons. Confidential report received. 11 men down with ptomaine poisoning ? in report. About ie to A/C 21st? ?

July 6th Very busy in Orderly room. Five prisoners. Major Touste called. Paid No3 platoon at