Transcription Page

Ting Yee

As part of the Chinese Historical Wrongs Legacy Initiative, we’ve digitized a small selection of inquests and inquiries from 1872 to 1934, found in series GR-0431. These were chosen to reflect the experiences of early Chinese immigrants to B.C. – their living and working conditions, and their unfortunate accidental or unusual deaths.   They range from a woman working in a brothel in Barkerville who died of natural causes to three sawmill workers who died from malnutrition. Learn more.

*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person. 

BC Archives GR-0431

*Please note that archival source materials are original historical documents that have not been censored, reviewed or otherwise altered by the Royal BC Museum. Some materials may contain content that is racist, sexist or otherwise offensive. The Royal BC Museum is only the custodian of archival materials; the content does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Royal BC Museum.

Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]



British Columbia To Wit

An Inquisition indented taken at the Forks of Quesnelle British Columbia the 31st day of May 1875 in the thirty eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, before me Oliver Hare, one of the Coroners for our Lady the Queen for the District of Forks of Quesnelle, upon viewing the remains of the body of "Ting Yee" a Chinese miner of Forks of Quesnelle aforesaid here and within the jurisdiction of the said Coroner lying dead upon the Oaths of J. K. Barker; E. Li; Ah Fi; Duck Fi; Le Hoey and Ah Sing, good and lawful men of the district aforesaid, who being now here sworn and charged, to enquire, on the part of our said Lady the Queen, when, where, how, and after what manner the said "Ting Yee" came to his death, do say upon their oaths that the following evidence have been attended to by them and the remains examined.

Kevin Tong sworn Chinese Interpreter --

Al Pone - Sworn - says I saw "Ting Yee" alive about 12 oclock on Saturday night last. He was then in bed. I saw him move his blanket and take a small box out of his pocket, take something from it and put it in his mouth; then tried to find what it was he had taken, and found it was opium - I believe he had swallowed about 1/2 an oz

By the Coroner - Had you any suspicion he was intending to poison himself?

Ansr - Yes! because he had been unlucky in mining, which had preyed heavy on his mind for the last two weeks.

Ques - Did you try to restore him by medicines, or in any way?

Ansr - Yes, we gave him stuff to make him vomit, but it took no good effect : he never spoke after, and died about 2 oclock on Sunday (yesterday) afternoon.

Ques - Do you think he had any money? or that any one had ill feelings against him to induce them to take his life, or that he was driven to do so from fear?

Ansr - I believe he committed the act himself, owing to his bad luck

Ah Too - Sworn, says Ah Pone called me about 12 oclock on Saturday night last to come up and see what "Ting Yee" had been doing, he said I think he has been eating opium. I ran up to his cabin, [illegible] said something about the deceased's mouth: which I afterwards discovered was opium. I then ran to Kwong Lee's store for

BC Archives, GR-0431 Box 1 File 6 / BRITISH COLUMBIA. ATTORNEY GENERAL. / Inquisitions / inquests conducted by coroners in British Columbia.

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