William Law Ogilby Diary
Diary of William Law Ogilby. Learn more.
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quantities. The logging camps employ quite a no. of men who have to be good experienced men. Able to handle an axe and not afraid of hard work. Exploring and surveying also gives a no. of men employment in summer and as everything else in this country leaves them idle for 6 months in the winter so unless a man has a little money to go on independent of hiring out he stands little show of becoming a millionaire as all he makes in summer goes to keep him in winter. salmon fishing only lasts from May till September or October. The Indians play the most important part in the industry as they catch the salmon and their Klootchmen or wives and daughters do the canning. Consequently
BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.