William Law Ogilby Diary
Diary of William Law Ogilby. Learn more.
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mines; They treat us very civilly giving us place salted down all the way from Japan; also tea; and ask us lots of words in English telling us same in the Japanese tongue.
Oct 5th. Go on hunting today but have no good luck; afternoon we spend playing billiards in the hotel at Union; beat the constable who is supposed to be the champion at this one horse town;
Oct 6th. Make arrangements for the train to come and call for us tomorrow so that we can camp near wharf and go on steamer early next morning, getting things in ship shape order. Store away the boats for next year and by night everything is done satisfactory for us to leave next morning.
Oct 7th. get things taken by train to wharf where we camp until the
BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.