William Law Ogilby Diary
Diary of William Law Ogilby. Learn more.
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get there early and take a bath in the lake afterwards gathering cranberries for our cook to make pies with getting back into camp at 6 p.m.
Aug 26th. Again we have to remain around camp as there are no packs for us.
I go out on the lake for a row and have great fun with a young bear which I manage to get quite close to, as he is pulling down the berry bushes and eating the fruit. I get within 20 yds of him lay down flat down raft and watch his little capers.
Aug 27th. Off for packs as soon as light; get some canned tomatoes this trip and eat 2 cans before I get home as they are the first I've seen since leaving Victoria.
Aug 28th. Today we explore in morning, & I spend the afternoon in cobbling my old boots and in writing up my diary; very cloudy & foggy all day
BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.