William Law Ogilby Diary
Diary of William Law Ogilby. Learn more.
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as there is no packs for us over the Divide the rest of the boys are getting a feed of salmon. Button; slice or cranberries. The different kinds of berries in this country growing wild is amazing. Where ever a slide has occurred on the mountains; the most beautiful wild raspberries grow up; getting to an increase size.
Aug 23th. Today as usual we go for packs our commissariat man goes back to Comox Lake accompanied by his spaniel dog "Shot" it is very cold up this height today and we are very glad to get back to camp.
Aug 24th. No packs today so we stay round camp one of our packers is sick suffering from a boil on his knee; he must be suffering as he groans terribly in his sleep. I wonder more boils don't appear on us as we get little or no vegetables.
Aug 25th. take loads down to Buttles
BC Archives, AAAA1452 File 1 / OGILBY, William Law / Diary, 27 Mar to 8 Oct 1892.