Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I
Diaries of Frank Cyril Swannell Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0392 - Box 1, Volume 4-5
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Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
1916 (30 days) 1 THURSDAY (153-213) (1 to 4) June Ascension Day
Carry on instruction with No. 5 Director, Binoculars etc. - 3 Parades. Men picking it out very well indeed. WC. Meyerstein now styled Merston - Sngt. + got DCM.
2 FRIDAY (154-212)
Move Battery to Lydd - only about 30 miles but have to change at Hastings + Appledore - Men march very badly. Go to RA RE Mast fortunately Find Harmersley + Jone at Huttown. Attend lecture on artillery conditions in Flanders -nothing startling. Walk around with Quinton in evening. Several Canadian Batteries here.
3 SATURDAY (155-211) King George V. born 1865
Fatigues all morning. Go in afternoon with Maj. Hamersley + wife to Rye, walking back with the mayor. - Dead flat country all reclaimed from the se.
4 SUN aft Ascension (156-210) Pick Tie [?] with Hamersleys + Lt. Cleery - but turns out stormy.
BC Archives, MS-0392 FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS Box 1, Volume 5, Diary and enclosures