Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I
Diaries of Frank Cyril Swannell Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0392 - Box 1, Volume 4-5
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Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Siege School Cooden Camp - Bexhill-on-Sea
34 April (24 to 26) 24 EASTER MONDAY (115-251) 4th month 1916 10 h 38 m PM (Greenwich) Bank Holiday
[Side note:] EW Young Phone 2061 Hornsey "Cheriton" Great North Road, Highgate
Report to Adjutant - Given holiday. Go with Lieut. W.S. WIlkins, my roommate to Bexhill, St. Leonard's-on-Sea + Hastings - Holiday-making crowds latter. Two places - through ruins of Hastings Castle + St. Clements Caves - Back to Cooden Camp by tram.
25 EASTER TUESDAY (116-250) St. Marks, Evan. Cambridge Easter Term begins
Course starts 9 - 12.30 - 2 - 4. 2/ Lieut. Ballonwood - a ranker from France - I.G. - Very capable man - with Hilary Jenkinson + W. S. WIlkins walk into Bexhill - Heavy gunfire out to sea. Beautiful evening + fine along the promenade.
26 WEDNESDAY (117-219) Oxford Easter Term begins
Lecture on Duties of a Sub. in the field - Apparently he does everything. Layout lines of fire. Enlarge Hastings sheet to 1/10, 000. Wilkins 3rd year man in Divinity at Canterbury.
BC Archives , MS- 0392 FRANK SWANNELL PAPERS Box 1, Volume 5, Diary and enclosures, 1916