Frank Swannell Diaries: Part I
Diaries of Frank Cyril Swannell Learn more.
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BC Archives MS-0392 - Box 1, Volume 4-5
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Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Monday - November 1st
Miserable cold rainy day - the trenches are knee-deep in water-I am miserable thinking of the poor lads in them tonight. Berthe brings me samples of lace, as should I buy in a shop myself I would be 'stung'- Buy three hdkfs. 15.10 fr.-Valencienne & Tor "Toussaint' (All saints)- Service for the British dead - 1700 buried in the churchyard here - also quite a few Germans & Canadians - But most of our men, 95% were buried where they fell, if buried at all. - at Festhubert & Givenchy. Run 'home' unexpectedly at noon- have to stay for dessert - wine & cherry tart & then coffee & a piece of chocolate. 'Un regale a cause de la fete' Poor little Minnie (abt 18) whose fiancé Sargt Henri Chieux is dead, very quiet- her face swollen & eyes puffed