Henry Masterman Mist Diaries and Prisoners Pie Magazine
Diaries of Heny Masterman Mist and a copy of Prisoners’ Pie, the Ruhleben Camp magazine. Learn more.
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Some Extractes From Pepys, Hys Diarie.
April 20. To me one Robbynsname,[?] with divers Rumoures which have reached hys Eares. And trulie they are long enough! But I rated him for a credulouse Jackasse and vayne Gossype. Whereuponne we fell to Wordes, and were like to come to Blowes, had not the Watche arrived, of whom we stand mightilie in Awe.
May 15. Thys Daye, whiche was wette, passed plea antlie enough save that I was tumbled in the Mudde by a Blackamoor at playe.
June 29. Being desirous to improve my Minde (or what is left of it) I repaired to Bayracke [?] six to heare a certain learned Wighte (none other than a Super-Manne) [?] discourse upon Arte and Musicke and the like. By mischance I was [?] directed to the wrong Chamber, and was compelled, for one Houre of the Clocke, to lysten to a Lecture uponne [?]sel hy[?]ngynne [?]e most tedyous. But indeede there is in this Campe such a collection of Anticke Fellowes who prate on all manner of Subjectes, such as were never before assembled together in one place, nor never will be againe.
July 7. Awoke in sore Dyscomforte with the Colicke. To the Leeche, who gave me divers Pillules of Aspyrinne. Passed the Daye uponne my Pallette, where I did most hearilie lament the absence of Mistress Pepys and her Ministrationnes ... Methinks a Possett, or Decoction of strong Waters had better met my Case. But here it is Hobsonne hys Choice.
Auguste First: To the Grounde, to view sundrie olde Englysche revelles, as backarahe, Spynne the Border, Luckie Number, Catche-ye-Flatte, and the like. 'Twas rather a Gamble than an honeste Fayre, venture large amountes of Coine in suche unseemlie Fashione .... Dranke some Ale in the afternoone, and, Lord, how it recalled happie Dayes to my Minde!
September 23: Hied me to ye Kitch[?}ne, [?]or Gallie, for soupe. Upon the Roade backe I did by Mischan[?] drop some of the hot Fluide upon a Maryner's smallclothes, upon [?]yche he addressed me in such scurvie language as I never heard the Like of.
October 20: In mightie expectatione and Hope to ye Parcelle Offys where I was apprised a Packette awaited me. To my Chagrin it contayneth naughte save Tractes for the Ungodlie, whereas I had looked for Viandes, such as my afflycted Stommacke craveth. Upon my returne (if haplie that should come about) I will acquainte Mistress Pepys with my sore Displeasure, and admynister such a Buffetynge as the occasion merits.
December 10: To the Grande Halle (or Crypte) to see some Playeactynge. It was, I doubt not, a notable Performance; but being rendered in the French tongue, I did not understande a Worde. Nevertheless, I made a shifte to laugh when others did, and thus presented an appearance of Dyscernement. But what it was all about I knowe not to this daye ... And so to Bedde, at the un-Chrystiane Houre of Nine.
(Collated by L.E.F.)
BC Archives, MS-2570 Box 1 File 6 / MIST, Henry Masterman / Ruhleben magazine, Prisoners’ Pie, 1916.