Henry Masterman Mist Diaries and Prisoners Pie Magazine
Diaries of Heny Masterman Mist and a copy of Prisoners’ Pie, the Ruhleben Camp magazine. Learn more.
*All transcriptions are provided by volunteers, and the accuracy of the transcriptions is not guaranteed. Please be sure to verify the information by viewing the image record, or visiting the BC Archives in person.
Current Page Transcription [edit] [history]
Nov. 28 Tues. 4 loaves bread fr. Mrs. D. 3 were good. Bishop Bury left at 7.30 p.m. Had a grand "send off" had farewell remarks etc. from platform in front of Bar. 1.] The crowd sang "God Save Our King", "He's a jolly good fellow" etc. Fri. Dec. 1 Cook House shut down on account of lack of coal. Card fr. Tottie. Dec. 4 Card to T. Dec. 5 Tues. Parcel margarine + cheese from Miss A. Lamb Dec. 6 Wed. Card fr T. + one fr Max R. from Zurich. Parcel fr Mrs. L. Booth sent by Fortnum & Mason Dec. 8 Fri. Sm. parcel food fr Mrs. D. Letter fr Miss Lamb. Dec. 9 Sat. Parcel from Fortnum & Mason Dec. 10 Sun. Posted family letter to T. + card to [Mrs. D.] [struck out] Muriel Dec. 12 Tues. T. enclosed letter from Bob fr S.F. to mother. Letter from Mrs. Warren. Dec. 13 Wed. Two parcels (sm.) fr Mrs. D.
BC Archives, MS-2570 Box 1 File 2 MIST, Henry Masterman Diary, Ruhleben, 06 Feb 1915 - 06 Mar 1918