Patullo Family Letters
Letters from James Burleigh Pattullo and George Robson Pattullo Jr. to their father George Robson Pattullo. Learn more.
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disabused his mind of the idea, that the Americans were the best-fed troops in the world. I think he will take his hat off to us!
I brought him out the transport lines and had our pipers out for his benefit and was glad to see his enthusiasm. He and our pipe major became great friends and George treated them all to beer from the Canteen.
He also made a great friend of our Transport Sergeant, who, it turned out, spent some years on the same cow ranches in Texas and Mexico
BC Archives MS-1188 Box 1 File 5 PATTULLO, George Robson, 1845 - . Woodstock, Ontario Selected letters from his son James Burleigh Pattullo, 1917-1918.