Cecil Henry Meares Letters
Predominantly letters from Cecil Henry Meares to his fiancée, Lola Spengler. Learn more.
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47 Oxf. Mans.
Monday Nov 2
Dear Miss Spengler
I was glad to get your letter and hear from Meares, and I want you to read and send enclosed on to him. He is surely in the midst of it and in some respects I really envy him, but what an awful business it all is, and how totally unnecessary, but for the real security of removing this menace once found. I only hope that Meares will come back safe and sound. Anything I can get for him I will gladly do so.
You will see from my letter that my little pal is better, she has had an awful time, for weeks threatened with total blindness, and other things, but she has a marvellous constitution and is actually getting alright, but still suffers fearfully with her head.
BC Archives, MS-0455 Box 1 File 1 MEARES, Cecil Henry, 1877 – 1937. Victoria; traveler, British military officer. Predominantly selected letters and cards from Meares to his fiancée, Lola Spengler, 1914 – 1918.