Cecil Henry Meares Letters
Predominantly letters from Cecil Henry Meares to his fiancée, Lola Spengler. Learn more.
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away. The doctor and I stayed with him all night and got him into a motor car and away just as the shells were beginning to fall again.
I was very tired as I had no coat and had no grub for about 24 hours. Last night I had a sleep and feel alright again now.
I do hope that Major Johnstone will recover, he was an awfully nice man. I hope that we will get a few days rest soon as everyone is worn out and of the regiments which left Lyndhurst only fragments are left.
Today lots of French soldiers have come and I hear that the Indian
BC Archives, MS-0455 Box 1 File 1 MEARES, Cecil Henry, 1877 – 1937. Victoria; traveler, British military officer. Predominantly selected letters and cards from Meares to his fiancée, Lola Spengler, 1914 – 1918.