Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys
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BC Archives MS-0426
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now I do not care to spend too much on Railway fares to make rich men richer & it is often the case that you cant get frm London to E e on the fast trains & a soldiers leave is too valuable to use up in a train. I do not like this part of Kent as well as the place I went to two ½ years ago. It is too flat. I have not seen much of it it is true as we are kept very bussy & do not feel much like runing around when our day is over. I was much struck with the healthy & well being appearance of the people we saw both in the provinces & in London as we passed through it. Others in my party also saw it when I pointed it out to them. We landed at a port after passing south of the country to which that old ex M.P of Lighting creek belongs. It was a very beautiful trip the last 15 miles. Old Blighty with all her faults is indeed well worth fighting for. I have had a very bitter & galling experience. I have been in Clink 15 days & then found not guilty of the charges brought against me. I refused duty on the ship. Had to if I was to keep my self respect & was put in close confinement & it took 5 days after I got here to hear the O.C. say I find you not guilty. I was put in by a slimy politican from B.C. & a Dirty draft gumper frm the U.S army draft. Segt & Cpl. Rather a bitter experiance for a Loyal Englishman.
BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.