Frederick Tregillus Letters from the Cariboo Boys
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BC Archives MS-0426
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This is a pretty hot shop here & it will get still hotter yet. Our unit has had a lot of men knocked out lately but my particular bunch has been very lucky only 2 casualites since we came to present place. We are certainly getting our share again of Fritz favours though for quite a spell we did not have much to put up with in that way except being shelled out of Camp at night & a few thrown at us during the day, but now we certainly go some again. Still we are certainly wining & every thing looks better for the future but it is a big & deadly job to drive Fritz off his feet as our army does every time they go at it. But our fool peace Cranks & some cowardly souls at home who talk about a compromise no doubt do us a lot of harm by leading Fritz
BC Archives, MS-0426 Box 1 File 5 / TREGILLUS, Frederick James, 1862 - 1962. Barkerville, miner. / Correspondence from Ernest Seeley, 1915 - 1919.