John Haworth Drewry Letters
Letters from John Haworth Drewry to his parents. Learn more.
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Toronto, March 25, 1917.
Dearest Mother
Your most welcome letter of the 18th was gladly recieved on Friday. You seem to express some doubt as to whether I am recieving your letters. I have received one each week, so I think I have had them all so far.
I am glad to hear you are having such lovely weather and that the garden is in such good shape. Wish I could be home to see it. Hope the gardening keeps Dad in good health. It is too bad about the Todd boys. I suppose, by the time you get this, Dick will be quite well again, though. We have had two or three fine days here and the snow is all gone now, though nothing is showing any great signs of
BC Archives, 93-6553 Box 4 DREWRY FAMILY Selected Correspondence, 1917 – 1919.